My 21st Camera Roll

Happy 2023 everyone!!

This is a super late post but I wanted to share it anyway because I'd love to look back at it in the future. I can't believe I documented both my sisters' 21st here as well and they're turning 28 and 29 this year! I love blogging hehe <3 

I turned 21 last year in May and hosted my first birthday party with all my friends! Having this party meant so much to me as I celebrated another year of surviving. So thank you to everyone who came and made it so much fun. It is definitely one of my core memories.

I actually had to postpone my party to June because my sister got covid and I planned to host the party at her cute apartment. I also had tonsillitis (for the second time in that year!!) so I spent my actual birthday coughing and dying in bed :( I finally recovered after a whole month and the big day came!! I went all out on decorations, activities, food and drinks. Here are some cute iphone and film photos we took <3

Thank you for reading <3

I'll be sharing all my thoughts, feelings and photos from 2022 in my next blog post! See you then!!

- Kylie ☺