My Second Term of Uni!

Hi! This blogpost is totally not a term late!! I just finished my final exams for my final term of uni! So stay tuned for that blog post that I'll be posting sometime in February! I'm most excited about that blog post because I'm currently on uni break and I have a lot planned for the upcoming months!

Today's blog post is all about what I got up to between June and September! I honestly can't remember anything uni-related from my second term. It's been so long!! I only studied two psychology subjects this term - one of my core psychology subjects and an elective called abnormal psychology. They were super interesting but I remember being super stressed because I had 2 essays and a group assignment due around the same time. It was all worth it though because I was really happy with my grades! All my lectures and tutorials remained online so I didn't get to see my uni friends everyday :( 

However, I did catch up with my high school friends early in the term before uni got busy! We went hiking in Watson's Bay!! First, we took the ferry to Watson's Bay from Circular Quay and then walked to Hornby lighthouse. We also ate fish and chips!

It was also one of my high school friend's birthday in July so I saw them again a few weeks later! She prepared a cute little picnic at Lavender Bay.

Back at home, I repainted and redecorated my bedroom! I bought a new bed frame and sheets, some storage boxes, a rug, pillows, a cute mug and plant pot. I also had to buy some Ikea strawberry jam cookies :)

I also started learning how to drive in August, which is pretty exciting for me! I got my L's straight after HSC but I only recently started learning because I was always so busy and super scared!

I went to Flower Power again to buy more plants and pots :)

I bought a rubber plant!

And a string of dolphins succulent! 

I also propagated my sister's devil ivy plant!

During the holidays, I organised all my polaroids photos into an album! This photo album is really cool because it's self-adhesive and customisable! It's from Officeworks if you're interested!

I also played badminton with my family, worked on a puzzle and ate some good food.

Thank you for reading!