My First Term of Uni!

Hi again! I recently finished my second term of uni so I'm currently on break! This post is a short summary of my uni experience and everything I got up to in the first term. Lots of assignments, birthdays and plants!! My next blogpost will most likely be about my second term of uni! 

My uni experience started with O-Week! It's basically a week to tour the campus, make friends, join clubs and societies right before the uni term starts. I also randomly won a $50 gift voucher to spend at my uni's grad shop after completing a survey about O-Week??? I still haven't gotten to use it yet! 

The highlight of this week for me was definitely going to Vera Blue's concert with my high school friend, Vicki! I discovered new songs and love her music even more now!

The first few weeks of the uni term were so much fun. I made some amazing new friends during my lectures and I miss them so much right now!!! I also caught up with some of my high school friends!

Another reason I love uni is because I love what I'm learning. I'm studying psychology and it's everything I thought it would be. It's so interesting learning about the human mind and behaviour. I also learn a lot about myself! I've always been passionate about youth mental health so my dream job is to be a clinical psychologist for young people.

I also feel happier at uni because I have so much more time and freedom. Back in high school, I couldn't manage my time properly and was easily stressed. This year, I made time for work, volunteering, and the gym! Then week 4 and 5 came around... hahahaha the workload hit me like a truck. There is a lot of reading, researching and essay writing in psychology. I also had my first group assignment, which was not fun :( I was pretty proud of my other assignments though! 

The transition to online classes around mid-march was quite tough for me, especially for my group assignment. I also missed seeing my friends everyday! However, I definitely did not miss waking up super early in the morning to go to uni just for one lecture. After my assignments were done, I studied for my online final exams. Luckily, I only had to study for two of my subjects instead of three but they were still pretty difficult for me. There was also a lot less pressure because my uni changed the grading system for this term so that you could either pass or fail. It also meant that my results this term wouldn't count towards my WAM, which was unlucky for me because I was pretty happy with most of my results!

There were also a lot of birthday celebrations during this uni term! One of my other high school friend, Olivia, turned 18 in March!! She's so cute.

Then we celebrated both my parents' birthdays in April!

I also turned 19 in May!! I was quite sad that I didn't get to see and celebrate with my old and new friends due to the restrictions but I still had a memorable birthday with my family at home. We ate hotpot for dinner!! My siblings also surprised me with guinea pig balloons and gifts!

I didn't do much in my two-week holiday. However, my sisters and I did discover a plant shop called Flower Power! I bought a rojo congo plant and a string of pearls plant! My friend, Vicki, actually introduced me to all of the string of plants. They're so cute! I'm hoping to start a collection! I recently bought a string of dolphins also from Flower Power! 

Look how much they've grown!

I hope uni and school has been good to everyone!