A Coastal Walk!

Hi, how is everyone?? I'm trying to make the most of my holidays before uni starts in February so I've been going to concerts, volunteering and catching up with friends! I've also been making a collage of all these fun things I've been doing for an upcoming blog post - my post-hsc camera roll!! Today's short blog post is just about one of them... a coastal walk!

Some of my friends and I recently walked from the Sydney Harbour Bridge to Mosman Bay. I'm not sure why I thought coastal walks were fun because I almost died, especially walking up all the stairs... I've done the 10km Manly to Spit Bridge walk a few years ago with my sisters and that was hard for me too. Even though it was super hot and we got lost a lot, it was really fun exploring this part of Sydney and spending time with my friends :')  

Four Frogs Creperie

I hope you liked this short little post! I'll probably never do another coastal walk again lol :)