LANY Concert!

Hey friends! This is a post that I drafted a few months ago. So backtrack to Kylie in August...

It's been a while since I last posted but I thought I would quickly write this up because I just finished my hsc trials exams!! Yay just over a month until I finally graduate high school! And exactly 2 months until I sit the HSC exams...!

Back in July, my friend Vicki and I went to the lany concert in sydney!! What a dream. It was the perfect getaway from all the studying I was not doing. This show was for their Malibu Nights world tour but they also sang a lot of their older songs. They are so good live!! I've missed going to concerts :')

I also discovered a new indie-pop artist called Los Leo (Tom Montesi)! I haven't heard of him until the concert so I didn't know what to expect. He was amazing!! I wish I recorded more!
Here are a few of my faves!

Image result for keep you warm los leo"
Keep You Warm

Robinson was the second supporting act. I didn't even know she was opening for lany until the night before! I was so excited to see her because I actually found her on Spotify last year and I love her songs.

Made in Hollywood

The Breakup


Thru These Tears

I Don't Want to Love You Anymore

Cue mini karaoke session
Taking Me Back

Thick and Thin

Such a bop


Thanks for listening and watching! I hope you enjoyed the mini concert :)
See you soon,