What my sister got me from Melbourne!

1. Stone Bracelets - the Markets

This is probably my favourite present! These bracelets would make the perfect accessories to add to any casual outfits.

2. Maroon Beanie - h&m

Maroon is one of my favourite colours and I absolutely love beanies. Although it's currently Summer in Australia, hopefully I can find a suitable day to wear this.

3. blk water - airport

At first I thought it was a black bottle with water inside but the water's actually black! How cool is that! I must have been living under a rock because this is the first time I've seen it and actually tried it which doesn't taste any different to water. 

4. Shells - Brighton Bathing Boxes

5. Sticky Notes - Muji

6. Sunflower Pin Souvenir - National Gallery of Victoria

Hope you found this post interesting!

- Kylie